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OSMIUM cannot be counterfeited
Osmium has the highest density of all chemical elements and compounds, so it cannot be falsified by the conventional enclosing a heavy core in a bar. 
The potential for investment in osmium lies in a very specific character of this rarest precious metal.
The resistance against extreme pressures is higher with osmium than with any other element.
Osmium is especially magical when it reflects sunlight or LED light. This allows you to see a dazzling range of colours from every angle.
Osmium is characterised by its unique blue-silver and blue-white luster.
If you were to place a less valuable core inside an osmium bar, this would reduce its specific density which would expose the counterfeit immediately. OSMIUM namely has the highest density of all elements which makes it inimitable. 
  • To counterfeit osmium is mission impossible!
  • Gold can be counterfeited by simply coating tungsten bars.
  • Osmium has the highest density of all substances.
  • It is not possible to enclose a less valuable core inside osmium.
osmium institut slovenija posebnosti nalozba osmij zascita neponaredljiv
OSMIUM is irreplaceable
OSMIUM surface has a complex and unique structure. This means that each piece of osmium has its DNA record that cannot be confused with another.
  • Each piece of osmium is listed in an international online database.
  • OIC is a unique designation that is assigned to osmium and is not replaceable.
  • Osmium cannot be melted and recrystallised.
  • Crystallisation occurs at a temperature of 3000 degrees Celsius, which melts all other elements.
OSMIUM is certified
Every piece of osmium on the market is certified. The certification is carried out by the Osmium Institute in Germany. The certificate includes physical data and a unique record/code of osmium.
  • Osmium without a certificate does not exist!
  • Each piece of osmium has an accessible high-resolution photo online.
  • The only institution in the world for osmium certification is the Osmium Institute in Germany.
  • When buying or selling, you must always submit a certificate proving the authenticity of the osmium.
osmium institut slovenija nalozba osmij certifikat
OIC – Osmium Identification Code
Each piece of osmium is assigned a unique code before being placed on the market. This allows owners and potential buyers to access the certificate in the online database at any time and from anywhere.
  • The identification code consists of an eight-digit combination of letters and numbers.
  • The recognition reliability of the crystalline osmium surface structure is approximately 10,000 times greater than that of fingerprint recognition.
  • The certificate is issued exclusively by the Osmium Institute in Germany and cannot be falsified, as it is recorded in the online database.
OCC – Owner Change Code
OCC is a unique, one-time code that we need if we decide to sell osmium. It is similar to a two-step security key when signing up for an online bank. The new owner then automatically obtains the unique (new) OCC code that he will need for any further sale of osmium. 
  • After the sale, osmium changes the owner, which is entered into the ownership database (OCC).
  • The OCC serves the purpose of a one-time ownership change of osmium.
  • Ownership changes upon registering in an online international database.
  • Without an OCC entry, no sale or change of ownership is possible.
Insuring osmium security

Stealing osmium is simply not worth it, as the authenticity and origin of the osmium can be easily recognized. When selling, osmium origin is checked in the database and it must be in accordance with the given information of the seller.

This protects the owners of osmium on the one hand, and the buyers on the other, as no purchase or sale of counterfeit or stolen osmium can be made.

Each of the available osmium pieces on the market is certified and has a unique code that enables us to check the physical properties of the product and the owner.
The surface structure of osmium is unique and 10,000 times more accurate than a fingerprint. Due to the specific density, its core cannot be replaced with other metals.
osmium institut slovenija nalozba osmij prstan ozadje
Each osmium holder can view the current price of his or her piece of osmium in a chosen currency at any time by entering the OIC code in the database field. The price shown at any given time corresponds to the price of the osmium product given if the owner would decide to sell osmium through a competent institute at that moment.
The ownership change code is issued with each osmium product and serves the purpose of a one-time owner change. Each owner can change this code only once in the database when selling osmium.
Purchase safety
Certification reliability
Customer satisfaction
Aqua Wave Ring made by the jeweler MyriamSOS won the 1st place in the Innovation of the Year category at the 2019 NAJ Awards in London in collaboration with the Osmium-Institute in Cyprus.
Working with osmium from the jeweler’s point of view

For jewelry production, osmium is processed similarly to carbon-based diamonds. For instructions on how to produce, visit Besides instructions, jewelry-making courses in the form of online e-learning are included. The instructions, along with safety guidelines, are available in various documents.

For the purposes of jewelry production osmium is processed in a similar manner to carbon-based diamonds. For instructions on how to produce, visit Besides instructions, jewelry-making courses in the form of online e-learning are included. The instructions, along with safety guidelines, are available in various documents.

osmium institut slovenija nalozba prstan osmij myriam london nagrada
Experts call the point in time when osmium will run out “Osmium Big bang”. It is difficult to determine when this will happen. However, it is estimated that it will happen in less than ten years. 
Experts agree that at the moment of the big bang there will be an exponential rise in price. This is also because of the fact that once crystallized osmium is almost impossible to recycle.
Zasebnost in piškotki
Zasebnost in piškotki
1. O piškotkih
Piškotki niso nič novega, vsi obiskovalci spletnih strani imamo na svojih računalnikih, tablicah, mobitelih shranjenih že veliko piškotkov z različnih spletnih strani. Novo je zgolj to, da z novo zakonodajo (ZEKom-1) prihaja do sprememb glede obveščanja oz. soglašanja obiskovalcev z njihovo uporabo.

2. Kaj so piškotki?
So male besedilne datoteke, ki jih večina spletnih mest shrani v naprave, s katerimi uporabniki dostopajo do interneta z namenom prepoznavanja posameznih naprav, ki so jih uporabniki uporabili pri dostopu. Njihovo shranjevanje je pod popolnim nadzorom brskalnika, ki ga ima uporabnik – ta lahko shranjevanje piškotkov po želji omeji ali onemogoči. Piškotki niso škodljivi in so vedno časovno omejeni.

3. Zakaj so piškotki potrebni?
So temeljnega pomena za zagotavljanje uporabniku prijaznih spletnih storitev. Interakcija med spletnim uporabnikom in spletnim mestom je s pomočjo piškotkov hitrejša in enostavnejša. Z njihovo pomočjo si spletno mesto zapomni posameznikove preference in izkušnje, s tem je prihranjen čas, brskanje po spletnih mestih pa bolj učinkovito in prijazno.

Nekaj konkretnih primerov uporabe piškotkov:
za boljšo uporabniško izkušnjo spletne strani obiskovalcem prilagodimo prikaz vsebine glede na pretekle obiske
za shranjevanje izbire pri ustvarjanju ožjega izbora naprav in ponudbe ter njihove primerjave
za prepoznavanje vaše naprave (računalnik, tablica, mobitel), ki omogoča prilagajanje prikaza vsebine vaši napravi
za spremljanje obiska, kar omogoča preverjanje učinkovitosti prikaza vsebin in stalno izboljšavo spletnih strani
za delovanje določenih storitev so nujni (npr. spletne banke, spletne trgovine in druge oblike e-poslovanja, …)
4. Onemogočenje piškotkov
Vi odločite, ali boste dovolili shranjevanje piškotkov na vaši napravi. Nastavitve za piškotke lahko nadzirate in spreminjate v vašem spletnem brskalniku.

Za več informacij o nastavitvah za piškotke izberite spletni brskalnik, ki ga uporabljate.

Internet Explorer
Zavezujemo se, da piškotkov ne bomo uporabljali za zbiranje osebnih podatkov o uporabnikih. Če izklopite piškotke, so lahko nekatere možnosti spletne strani onemogočene.