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Reliability, security, and discretion
At the Osmium Institute Slovenia, we provide you with reliable services, up-to-date information, and expert advice, an easy ordering process, safe and secure delivery, and discretion of all transactions performed.
Import, marketing, and informing
The purpose of the institute is to present, promote, and authenticate osmium as an investment product. The Institute provides distribution, import, and recognisability of osmium. It also controls the quality of crystalline osmium.
Alen Senekovič
Direktor Osmium inštituta
System management

The Institute manages and controls the operation of the system and translates and prepares content for websites and printed material. It presents itself to the general public at various events and in private meetings.

Payment processing

After ordering you will receive an e-mail with payment information. This is done exclusively to the Osmium Institute Slovenia’s bank account since the Institute is responsible for the financial flow and controls all transactions.

Insured delivery

All packages that we ship to customers are insured in the amount of the purchase order. Insurance is included in the shipping costs. For larger orders, we also offer the possibility of personal delivery.


Osmium is present in the global market. In international trade, it should be emphasized that osmium imports are the responsibility of the regional osmium marketing and certification institutes of individual countries to provide maximum security for jewelers, investors, banks, and end-users.


Worldwide, osmium is only available through the selected partners and specialist traders who supply osmium exclusively with a certificate of authenticity and the eight-digit letter-number identification code. Both are issued by the “Osmium-Institut zur Inverkehrbringung und Zertifizierung von Osmium GmbH” in Germany.


Crystalline osmium is still largely unknown as it was considered a toxic element until 2014. This has changed with the crystallization process. Thanks to institutes and partners around the world, since then, osmium has been on a remarkable rise. With the introduction of the products of Hublo, Ulysse Nardin, and Tiffany the recognition is only growing.

Buying osmium
Osmium Institute provides secure delivery of purchased products directly to your home address. By prior arrangement, it is also possible to pick up your osmium at the institute or we can personally deliver the ordered osmium to your address.
When making an online purchase of osmium, within a few moments, you will receive an e-mail with all information regarding the payment for your osmium purchase. The purchase price is always paid into the bank account of Osmium Institute Slovenia which arranges the import of certified products from Germany.
Each individual's investment options require individual treatment and product selection. With monthly contributions, we talk about investing in the purchase of diamonds, stars, letters, numbers, and symbols. When it comes to a one-off investment for a higher amount, we talk about discs, tiles, and jewelry.
Before making the purchase, you can always contact us and receive all the instructions and necessary information. If you want to see osmium products, touch them, and convince yourself of their exceptional qualities, we will set a meeting date and present them to you personally.
Osmium Institute Slovenia closely cooperates with the head Institute in Germany which is the only institute in the world authorized to certify osmium. We provide professional support and information and prepare materials and brochures that will help you get the right information before you buy osmium.
Package content
osmium institut slovenija nalozba investicijska priloznost boks predstavitev
Each order is shipped in protective transportation packaging and an additional designer box whether it is a single osmium star or a larger disk. At the institute, we make sure that all customers are treated equally. 

Each piece of osmium is inserted into a secure, transparent box to protect it from possible damage and constant touch. The box is marked with its unique identification code, which ensures that you can always get all the information about that exact piece of osmium.

Osmium reflects the gamma rays most beautifully in natural light. However, since natural sunlight cannot always be guaranteed, we provide a special LED lamp for each customer which can always be recharged via USB connection.

You will find all the information materials and brochures as well as the safety data sheet on the provided USB stick. You can use the USB stick to get information about osmium to introduce osmium to your acquaintances or for personal matters.

OIC – Osmium Identification Code

Each piece of osmium is assigned a unique code upon certification at the institute in Germany before being transmitted through the institutes and partners to the market. This enables owners and potential buyers to access the certificate in the online database at any time, from anywhere, and to check the authenticity of osmium, as well as all its physical properties and the current price on the market.

OCC – Owner Change Code

OCC is a unique, one-time code that we need if we decide to sell osmium. It is similar to a two-step security key when signing up for an online bank. The new owner then automatically obtains the unique (new) OCC code that he will need for any further sale of osmium.

In your osmium box you will also find an information brochure in English (optionally in German, French or Slovenian), a stylish pen, and a promotional magnet with the chemical symbol Os.

Zasebnost in piškotki
Zasebnost in piškotki
1. O piškotkih
Piškotki niso nič novega, vsi obiskovalci spletnih strani imamo na svojih računalnikih, tablicah, mobitelih shranjenih že veliko piškotkov z različnih spletnih strani. Novo je zgolj to, da z novo zakonodajo (ZEKom-1) prihaja do sprememb glede obveščanja oz. soglašanja obiskovalcev z njihovo uporabo.

2. Kaj so piškotki?
So male besedilne datoteke, ki jih večina spletnih mest shrani v naprave, s katerimi uporabniki dostopajo do interneta z namenom prepoznavanja posameznih naprav, ki so jih uporabniki uporabili pri dostopu. Njihovo shranjevanje je pod popolnim nadzorom brskalnika, ki ga ima uporabnik – ta lahko shranjevanje piškotkov po želji omeji ali onemogoči. Piškotki niso škodljivi in so vedno časovno omejeni.

3. Zakaj so piškotki potrebni?
So temeljnega pomena za zagotavljanje uporabniku prijaznih spletnih storitev. Interakcija med spletnim uporabnikom in spletnim mestom je s pomočjo piškotkov hitrejša in enostavnejša. Z njihovo pomočjo si spletno mesto zapomni posameznikove preference in izkušnje, s tem je prihranjen čas, brskanje po spletnih mestih pa bolj učinkovito in prijazno.

Nekaj konkretnih primerov uporabe piškotkov:
za boljšo uporabniško izkušnjo spletne strani obiskovalcem prilagodimo prikaz vsebine glede na pretekle obiske
za shranjevanje izbire pri ustvarjanju ožjega izbora naprav in ponudbe ter njihove primerjave
za prepoznavanje vaše naprave (računalnik, tablica, mobitel), ki omogoča prilagajanje prikaza vsebine vaši napravi
za spremljanje obiska, kar omogoča preverjanje učinkovitosti prikaza vsebin in stalno izboljšavo spletnih strani
za delovanje določenih storitev so nujni (npr. spletne banke, spletne trgovine in druge oblike e-poslovanja, …)
4. Onemogočenje piškotkov
Vi odločite, ali boste dovolili shranjevanje piškotkov na vaši napravi. Nastavitve za piškotke lahko nadzirate in spreminjate v vašem spletnem brskalniku.

Za več informacij o nastavitvah za piškotke izberite spletni brskalnik, ki ga uporabljate.

Internet Explorer
Zavezujemo se, da piškotkov ne bomo uporabljali za zbiranje osebnih podatkov o uporabnikih. Če izklopite piškotke, so lahko nekatere možnosti spletne strani onemogočene.